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baseborn of low or contemptible character. [1/3 definitions]
blighter (chiefly British; slang) an annoying or contemptible person. [1/2 definitions]
crud a disgusting or contemptible person. [1/4 definitions]
cur a contemptible person; scoundrel; wretch. [1/2 definitions]
dog a low, contemptible person, esp. a man. [1/6 definitions]
hound a contemptible person. [1/6 definitions]
ignoble of low or dishonorable character; contemptible. [1/2 definitions]
ignominious deserving of disgrace; contemptible. [1/2 definitions]
insect a contemptible person. [1/3 definitions]
lousy (informal) nasty, mean, or contemptible. [1/4 definitions]
low-down (informal) nasty; mean; contemptible.
no-good (informal) worthless; contemptible.
rag1 (informal) a newspaper that is considered contemptible or inferior. [1/5 definitions]
reptilian low, contemptible, or treacherous. [1/3 definitions]
scurvy of a person or animal, vile, contemptible, or worthless. [1/2 definitions]
sorry contemptible; deplorable. [1/5 definitions]
swine a coarse, brutish, or contemptible person. [1/3 definitions]
twerp (slang) a person regarded as ridiculous, insignificant, or contemptible.
worm (informal) a contemptible person. [1/11 definitions]
wretch one who is base or contemptible. [1/2 definitions]
wretched vile or contemptible. [1/4 definitions]