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acid test a stringent, crucial, or definitive test of value or quality.
acute very critical; crucial. [1/7 definitions]
climacteric pertaining to a crucial period or stage. [1/3 definitions]
climax in a literary or dramatic work, the point at which a conflict reaches a crucial juncture. [1/4 definitions]
clutch1 a tense, crucial situation. [1/9 definitions]
crossroad (often pl., but used with a sing. verb) a crucial point of decision. [1/2 definitions]
crunch (informal) a crucial or perilous situation. [1/6 definitions]
crux an essential, basic, crucial, or pivotal point.
do-or-die crucial, or potentially fatal. [1/2 definitions]
essence the inherent qualities that make something what it is; crucial ingredients; central nature. [1/4 definitions]
flight feather any of the larger, stronger feathers in the wing or tail of a bird that are crucial for its flight.
hinge a crucial part or principle, as of an argument. [1/5 definitions]
keystone something upon which other things depend; crucial part or element. [1/2 definitions]
linchpin a person, policy, element, or the like that is crucial to the working of an organization or plan. [1/2 definitions]
marrow the central, most crucial part or aspect. [1/2 definitions]
name of the game (informal) a central or crucial purpose, goal, method, or situation.
pinch-hit in baseball, to bat for another player, esp. at a crucial point in a game. [1/3 definitions]
pivotal critically important or crucial; on which something is contingent. [1/2 definitions]
relief pitcher in baseball, a pitcher brought into a game to relieve another pitcher, often at a crucial moment. [1/2 definitions]
Treaty of Versailles the treaty, signed in 1919, that officially ended World War I. The Treaty of Versailles, signed by Germany and the Allied Powers, forced Germany to pay enormous reparations, to substantially reduce the size of its military, and to recognize territorial changes that substantially reduced its land holdings. The treaty also established the League of Nations. The United States, represented by President Woodrow Wilson, played a crucial role in the treaty negotiations, but the U.S. Congress subsequently refused to ratify the treaty, based largely on opposition to American participation in the League of Nations.
vital statistics statistics or data having to do with births, deaths, marriages, and other crucial events in human life.