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abandoned left forever; deserted. [1/2 definitions]
aeonian lasting forever; eternal.
ageless appearing to exist forever; eternal. [1/2 definitions]
always without stopping; forever. [1/3 definitions]
Danaides in Greek legend, the daughters of Danaus, king of Argos, who murdered their husbands and were condemned in Hades to draw water forever with a perforated vessel.
deathless not subject to dying; enduring forever; immortal. [1/2 definitions]
Erin go bragh Ireland forever (Irish Gaelic); (used to express loyalty to Ireland).
eternize to make everlasting; cause to continue forever. [1/2 definitions]
everlasting enduring forever; eternal; endless. [1/7 definitions]
evermore forever; always. [1/2 definitions]
forevermore for all time to come; forever.
for good forever; permanently.
from now on from the present moment and forever into the future.
immortal not subject to death or decay; living forever. [1/5 definitions]
in perpetuum (Latin) forever.
perpetual lasting or continuing forever. [1/4 definitions]
PFAS acronym for perflouroalkyl and polyflouroalkyl substances. Such chemical substances are used in a vast number of products and applications such as non-stick coatings for cookware, cleaning products, wire insulation, clothing, and food packaging. Some are known to be toxic, and, as a group, they are considered at least potentially harmful to human and animal health. They are also considered an environmental pollutant, as they can take thousands of years to break down, earning the the appellation "forever chemicals."
sempiternal in literary usage, lasting forever; perpetual; eternal.
Sisyphus in Greek mythology, a king of Corinth who chained Death when he came for him, and was doomed forever in Hades to roll a heavy stone uphill, only to have it roll down again.
toujours (French) at all times or forever; always.