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Boston ivy a woody climbing vine of Asian origin, commonly grown in the United States as an exterior wall cover, that has three-lobed leaves and bears purple berries.
cinquefoil any of several plants of the rose family that have compound, often five-lobed, leaves. [1/2 definitions]
clover any of various plants having three-lobed leaves and small, dense flowers, and often used for pasturage or hay. (See four-leaf clover.) [1/2 definitions]
gooseberry this shrub itself, which has lobed leaves and bears greenish flowers. [1/3 definitions]
grebe any of several diving birds related to loons and having lobed rather than webbed feet.
hop2 a tall, climbing vine having lobed leaves and bearing green cone-shaped flowers. [1/3 definitions]
Jerusalem oak a North American weed with lobed leaves and an odor like turpentine.
lobate possessing a lobe or lobes; lobed. [1/2 definitions]
mallow any of several related plants whose anthers grow in a tube, and that have hairy stems, lobed or dissected leaves, and bear purple, pink, or white flowers.
multilobed combined form of lobed.
phalarope any of several small wading birds that have lobed toes for swimming.
pituitary a small, two-lobed gland of vertebrates that is located at the base of the brain and produces important metabolic and developmental hormones; pituitary gland; hypophysis. [1/4 definitions]
quatrefoil a four-lobed leaf or flower, esp. in art. [1/2 definitions]
thyroid gland a two-lobed endocrine gland that is located on both sides of the trachea, with a slender connecting tissue, and that produces secretions that control growth and metabolism.
walnut the nut of the walnut tree, having a hard, light brown shell and an edible wrinkled, two-lobed meat. [1/4 definitions]