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acacia any of several ornamental trees related to the acacia, such as the locust. [1/2 definitions]
adornment an ornamental item, or a system or set of these. [1/2 definitions]
ancon a bracket, sometimes ornamental, used to support a molding, shelf, or the like.
appoggiatura in music, a short ornamental note occurring on the beat which resolves to the consonant. [1/2 definitions]
arabesque a complex design of interlaced scrolls, foliage, and other fanciful shapes, or an ornamental object having such a design. [1/4 definitions]
araucaria a cone-bearing evergreen native to the Southern Hemisphere and grown as an ornamental elsewhere.
arborvitae any of various evergreens having small cones and leaves of closely overlapping scales, often grown as an ornamental shrub or tree.
bass3 a deciduous tree of softwood, which is grown for ornamental purposes or as a shade tree; basswood; linden.
beading an ornamental molding, trim, or pattern having a rounded or beadlike design. [1/4 definitions]
birdbath a basin for wild birds to bathe in, often an ornamental structure manufactured for this purpose.
bolo tie a cord worn around the neck as a tie, the ends of which are held together with an ornamental sliding clasp.
bookend a support, often ornamental and in a pair, used to prop up the end of a row of books.
boss2 an ornamental projection, such as a knob or stud. [1/4 definitions]
cachepot an ornamental container into which the plain pot of a houseplant is set and thus concealed from view.
caparison to cover (a horse) with ornamental trappings. [1/4 definitions]
case2 a protective or ornamental outer covering. [1/5 definitions]
cassia a tropical variety of ornamental tree bearing long yellow flowers and pods whose pulp can be used as a laxative. [1/2 definitions]
chase3 to make ornamental grooves or indentations in; emboss.
cherry any of various trees and shrubs of the rose family grown for their ornamental flowers, their sweet or sour fruit, and for lumber. [1/5 definitions]
console table a narrow waist-high table often placed against a wall, the facing legs of which have ornamental brackets.
crape myrtle a tall Oriental shrub, related to loosestrife and widely cultivated in warmer zones as an ornamental for its stalks of crinkled pink, red, white, or purple flowers.