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abolish to take out of existence. [1/2 definitions]
ace in tennis, a winning serve that is out of the opponent's reach. [1/7 definitions]
amiss out of the proper course or order; wrongly; mistakenly. [2 definitions]
amok in a murderous frenzy; violently out of control. [1/2 definitions]
anachronism something that is or appears to be out of its appropriate time period. [1/2 definitions]
Ariadne Cretan princess, daughter of King Minos, who gave Theseus the thread that enabled him to find his way out of the Labyrinth.
artificial respiration the resumption or continuation of a person's breathing, as by forcing air into and out of the person's lungs.
aside out of one's thoughts. [1/6 definitions]
askew out of line; at an angle. [1/2 definitions]
asquint with an oblique or sidelong glance; out of the corner of the eye; askance.
astir out of bed; awake and up. [1/2 definitions]
at odds not in agreement; out of harmony.
away out of existence. [1/7 definitions]
background out of notice. [1/5 definitions]
backstop in sports, a structure, such as a fence or wall, used to keep a ball from going out of the playing area. [1/2 definitions]
bail1 (informal) to help out of a difficult situation (often fol. by "out"). [1/5 definitions]
bailout the act of parachuting out of an airplane to escape an impending disaster. [1/3 definitions]
bait-and-switch a sales tactic in which a seller attracts customers by advertising at a bargain price one item that is often out of stock, and then diverts their attention by encouraging them to buy another item at a higher price. [1/2 definitions]
banish to cast (someone) permanently out of a country by official action. [1/2 definitions]
bedpan a shallow pan for use as a toilet by one who cannot get out of bed.
bent1 being out of alignment with the proper shape of something. [1/6 definitions]