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Dictionary Suite
antipapal combined form of papal.
apostolic having to do with the pope; papal. [1/2 definitions]
bull2 an official papal document, usu. sealed with a round lead seal.
curia (often cap.) the collection of officials who direct the overall government of the Roman Catholic Church; papal court. [1/2 definitions]
encyclical in the Roman Catholic Church, a letter from the Pope to the bishops stating a rule or papal opinion on a specific subject. [1/2 definitions]
legate an official envoy or representative, esp. a papal representative.
Roman Curia the administrative, judicial, and executive offices of the papal see that compose the government of the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions]
ultramontane relating to or supporting papal power or supremacy in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/4 definitions]
Vatican the papal residence in Vatican City; Vatican Palace. [2/4 definitions]