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Dictionary Suite
concretion a solid mass made by or as if by coalescence, such as a mass of calcium or other inorganic material found in living tissue, or a mineral mass found in sedimentary rock. [1/3 definitions]
dolomite a sedimentary rock, similar to limestone, that consists mainly of this mineral. Also known as dolostone. [1/2 definitions]
kerogen a substance found in certain sedimentary rocks, esp. shale, from which shale oil can be produced.
laccolith a mass of igneous rock that has been forced between layers of sedimentary rock and has bulged them upward.
limestone a sedimentary rock of calcium carbonate formed mostly from animal remains such as shells and used in building and in manufacturing cement, lime, and carbon dioxide.
phosphate rock sedimentary rocks that contain large amounts of calcium phosphate, used in making fertilizer, phosphorous chemicals, and the like.
ripple mark one of these ridges preserved in sedimentary rock. [1/2 definitions]
shale a sedimentary rock made up of layers of fine clay-like sediments that can easily be split into thin sheets.
taconite a fine-grained sedimentary rock with enough iron content to be used as low-grade iron ore.