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bow2 an easily loosened knot having two or more loops and used in tying shoes, wrapping packages, and the like. [1/7 definitions]
casing a covering or wrapping. [2/4 definitions]
cellophane a thin, transparent cellulose wrapping. [1/2 definitions]
cerecloth a fabric coated with wax in order to render it waterproof, formerly used for wrapping the dead before burial. [1/2 definitions]
kraft a strong brownish paper made from wood pulp treated with a sulfate solution, used to make bags or wrapping paper.
Manila paper a sturdy brownish paper, used for envelopes or wrapping, originally made from Manila hemp.
muffle to deaden (sound), often by using a covering, wrapping, or other device. [1/5 definitions]
pack1 a medical preparation or treatment involving wrapping with cloth or gauze. [1/16 definitions]
package to place in a container or in wrapping, as for sale. [1/6 definitions]
paper a thin substance made from any of a variety of fibrous materials, used for writing, wrapping, decorating walls, and the like. [1/12 definitions]
parbuckle a rope sling used to raise or lower an object vertically, formed by doubling the rope, wrapping it around the object, and slipping its two ends through the loop thus formed. [1/3 definitions]
receiving blanket a lightweight blanket for wrapping around a baby.
saran any of various thermoplastic resins obtained from vinyl compounds and used for wrapping and packaging, to make acid-resistant pipe fittings, and as a fiber in some heavy fabrics.
sarong a skirt made by wrapping cloth around the lower body and tucking it firmly at the waist, worn by men and women in Malaysia and certain Pacific islands.
shroud to cover with, or as if with, the wrapping for a corpse. [1/6 definitions]
swathe to wrap up, enfold, or bind, esp. with a wrapping material or bands. [2/4 definitions]
tinfoil tin, aluminum, or a tin alloy rolled out in a thin, flexible sheet and used as wrapping or lining, as for food and food containers.
tissue paper very thin, almost transparent paper used esp. as a wrapping.
unwrap to remove or take off the wrapping of; open. [2 definitions]
wax paper a translucent wrapping paper that has been coated with paraffin to make it moisture-proof.
wrap to cover with wrapping. [2/11 definitions]