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Dan according to the Old Testament, the fifth son of Jacob. [1/2 definitions]
Esau according to the Old Testament, the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his brother Jacob.
Hebrew a member of the group of Semitic people who trace descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Israelite; Jew. [1/3 definitions]
Isaac according to the Old Testament, the son of the patriarch Abraham and the father of Jacob and Esau.
Israel according to the Old Testament, the Jewish people collectively as the descendants of Jacob, to whom the name Israel was given after he wrestled with an angel. [1/2 definitions]
Jacob's ladder in the Bible, a ladder from earth to heaven seen by Jacob in a dream. [1/3 definitions]
Joseph according to the Old Testament, the favorite son of Jacob who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, only to become the interpreter of dreams and chief administrator for the pharaoh of Egypt. [1/2 definitions]
Judah one of the sons of the Biblical patriarch Jacob and the ancestor of one of the ancient Hebrew tribes.
Levi according to the Old Testament, the son of Jacob and Leah from whom one of the twelve tribes of Israel is descended. [1/2 definitions]
Simeon according to the Old Testament, a son of Jacob. [1/2 definitions]