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Dictionary Suite
billion the product of multiplying one thousand by one million. [1/5 definitions]
birthrate the number of births in a specified place or group per unit of time, usu. expressed as a quantity per thousand of the total specified population.
boliviano the chief monetary unit of Bolivia, equaling one thousand pesos.
bristlecone pine a small pine growing at high altitudes in the western United States that is the longest-lived conifer known, some specimens being over four thousand years old.
dinar the chief monetary unit of Libya, equaling one thousand dirhams. [3/8 definitions]
grand (slang) an amount of one thousand dollars or one thousand pounds. [1/6 definitions]
high-energy particle an atom or part of an atom having energy greater than one hundred thousand electron volts.
Holocene of, relating to, or designating the latest geological epoch of the Quaternary Period that includes the present and began approximately 10 thousand years ago, marked by the development of modern human culture; Recent. [1/2 definitions]
inti the chief monetary unit of Peru, equaling one thousand sols.
K1 abbreviation of "one thousand" (esp. used to refer to dollars).
kc abbreviation of "kilocycle," or "kilocycles," a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilohertz.
keV a unit of energy equal to one thousand electron-volts; kiloelectron volt.
kg abbreviation of "kilogram," or "kilograms," a unit of weight equal to one thousand grams or 2.205 pounds.
kHz abbreviation of "kilohertz," a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilocycle.
kilo- one thousand.
kilobar a unit of pressure equal to one thousand bars or 14,500 pounds per square inch.
kilobyte a unit of electronic storage capacity equal to 1,024 bytes, or approximately one thousand bytes. (abbr.: k)
kilogram a unit of weight equal to one thousand grams or 2.205 pounds. (abbr.: kg)
kilohertz a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilocycle. (abbr.: kHz)
kiloliter a unit of capacity equal to one thousand liters or 264.2 gallons, or to one cubic meter or 1.308 cubic yards.
kilometer a unit of length equal to one thousand meters or 0.621 mile. (abbr.: km)