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Dictionary Suite
aflutter excited and nervous; fluttering.
amphetamine a drug that stimulates the central nervous system, depressing appetite and heightening activity.
antsy (informal) nervous; apprehensive. [1/2 definitions]
autonomic in physiology, of or relating to the autonomic nervous system. [1/3 definitions]
autonomic nervous system the part of the nervous system in vertebrates that controls involuntary bodily processes, such as the operation of the heart, stomach, and glands; sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems together.
beriberi a disease of the nervous system, caused by lack of thiamine and characterized by paralysis of the extremities and by swelling or emaciation.
beta blocker any of a class of drugs that inhibit the absorption of adrenalin and the activity of the autonomic nervous system, and are used to control the heartbeat and relieve angina and hypertension.
botulism an often lethal disease of the nervous system caused by ingesting even small amounts of the toxin botulin, produced by a bacterium that grows in poorly preserved or spoiled foods.
bovine spongiform encephalopathy a fatal disease, also known as "mad cow disease," that affects the nervous system of cattle.
brain the organ of the central nervous system contained within the skull, which thinks, interprets sensations, and coordinates motion and other activity in the rest of the body. [1/5 definitions]
brain imaging the branch of medicine that deals with producing images of the brain and nervous system; neuroimaging. [2 definitions]
buck fever the nervous excitement felt by novice hunters when they first sight game.
calm down to become calm; to stop being angry, tense, nervous, or agitated. [1/3 definitions]
calming causing one to feel calm; causing one to feel less nervous, tense, or upset.
chlorpromazine a drug used to treat nervous upset, nausea, and certain mental disorders.
chorea a disease of the nervous system in humans and dogs whose symptoms include uncontrollable jerking movements of the face, arms, and legs.
conduction the transmission or transfer, as of heat, electrical charges, or nervous impulses, through a medium. [1/2 definitions]
dextroamphetamine a solid compound used to stimulate the central nervous system and control the appetite.
disturb to make nervous or uneasy; trouble. [1/3 definitions]
ectoderm an animal embryo's outermost layer of cells, from which the skin, nervous system, and sense organs develop.
edgy irritably nervous or impatient; on edge.