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Dictionary Suite
bedrock the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, usu. beneath soil, sand, gravel, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
blackboard eraser an object made of bound layers of felt used for erasing chalk from a blackboard.
cake a sweet, baked food made with flour, sugar, and eggs, often in the form of a loaf or round layers. [1/4 definitions]
hardpan any hard layer beneath the soil, such as hard subsoil or clay. [1/2 definitions]
macadamize to build, pave, or repair (a road) with compacted layers of crushed stone.
rime2 a hard layer on a surface; crust; incrustation. [1/3 definitions]
stromatolite a laminated rock with accumulated layers of prokaryotic bacteria, algae, and sediment found in shallow marine environments, contains the oldest fossils known today.