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contempt the feeling or expression of angry disgust, as at something wicked or unworthy; scorn. [1/3 definitions]
cult a religion that most members of a society believe to be false, faddish, or unworthy of respect. [1/4 definitions]
damn accursed or unworthy; damned. [1/11 definitions]
disdain to reject as being unworthy or beneath one's dignity. [1/3 definitions]
frivolous unworthy of serious consideration or merit; trivial or silly. [1/2 definitions]
indignant feeling or showing anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
indignation righteous anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
mock-heroic satirizing a person, thing, or event that is trivial or unworthy by portraying it with heroic language, ceremony, or manners. [1/3 definitions]
prostitute one who uses his or her abilities, reputation, or the like for unworthy purposes, usu. in exchange for money. [2/4 definitions]
prostitution unworthy use of a talent, quality, or the like, esp. for personal gain. [1/2 definitions]
suck (slang) to be considered disgusting or unworthy. [1/13 definitions]
whore one who hires out his or her labor, skill, name, or the like for a debased or unworthy use. [1/4 definitions]