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airline a tube or hose used to carry air to where it will be used, as to a deep-sea diver. [1/2 definitions]
decompress gradually to return (a person such as a diver who has been under compression) to normal air pressure. [1/3 definitions]
gainer a dive in which the diver faces out from the board and does a half or full backward somersault into the water. [1/2 definitions]
half gainer a dive in which the diver, facing forward, executes half of a backward somersault, thus entering the water headfirst and facing the diving board.
lifeline the line used to raise and lower a diver. [1/5 definitions]
swan dive a headfirst dive in which the legs are kept straight, the back is arched, and the arms are straight out to the sides before being brought overhead as the diver is about to enter the water.