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blue law any law prohibiting drinking, dancing, working, or doing business on Sunday.
daily a newspaper that is published every day or every day except Sunday. [1/4 definitions]
Easter a yearly Christian festival that is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions]
Easter lily any of various white-flowered lilies that are artificially brought into bloom for Easter Sunday, used esp. to decorate the altars of Christian churches on Easter.
Father's Day in the United States, a day set aside to honor fathers, observed annually on the third Sunday in June.
Good Friday the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorated by Christians for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Holy Week the week immediately before Easter Sunday.
Lord's day Sunday; the Sabbath (prec. by "the").
Low Sunday the first Sunday after Easter.
Mon. abbreviation of "Monday," the second day of the week, occurring between Sunday and Tuesday.
Monday the second day of the week, occurring between Sunday and Tuesday.
Mother's Day a holiday to honor mothers, observed in the US, Canada, and the UK on the second Sunday in May.
Palm Sunday in many Christian churches, the Sunday before Easter, commemorating the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
Pentecost a Christian festival on the seventh Sunday after Easter, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
Quadragesima the first Sunday of Lent.
Quinquagesima the fiftieth day before Easter; Sunday before Lent.
Remembrance Day in the UK, November 11 or the nearest Sunday to that date, a legal holiday honoring soldiers killed in the World Wars I and II. [1/2 definitions]
Sabbatarian one who practices or favors strict observance of the Sabbath on Sunday. [1/3 definitions]
Sabbath a similar day of rest and worship observed by Christians on Sunday. [1/2 definitions]
Sat. abbreviation of "Saturday," the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.
Saturday the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.