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bronchial of or pertaining to the branched tubes into which the windpipe divides.
broncho- windpipe or bronchus.
bronchus either of the two main branches into which the windpipe divides and which leads into a lung.
choke to stop or obstruct the breathing of, esp. by squeezing, blocking, or irritating the windpipe. [1/9 definitions]
epiglottis a thin, flexible plate of cartilage at the root of the tongue that, by closing over the glottis, prevents food from entering the windpipe during swallowing.
hiccup a sudden, spasmodic inhalation that is cut off by the involuntary closing of the windpipe. [1/4 definitions]
pipe1 (usu. pl.; informal) the windpipe, lungs, and vocal cords, esp. of a human singer. [1/13 definitions]
strangle to kill by stopping the breathing of, esp. by squeezing shut the windpipe; choke. [1/3 definitions]
trachea the tube in air-breathing animals that carries air to the lungs; windpipe. [1/2 definitions]