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Dictionary Suite
articulate presented clearly and effectively; cogent. [2/10 definitions]
Balkanize (often l.c.) to divide up into mutually antagonistic political units too small to maintain their independence or autonomy effectively.
inarticulate unable to express oneself clearly and effectively. [1/5 definitions]
ineffectual incapable of acting effectively. [1/2 definitions]
operative operating efficiently and effectively. [1/6 definitions]
power the capability to act or function effectively. [1/9 definitions]
rhetoric the art, ability, or study of using language effectively in speech or writing, esp. to influence or persuade one's audience. [1/3 definitions]
semiconductor a crystalline material such as silicon or germanium that conducts electricity under certain conditions, but not as effectively as metals do.
team-building relating or contributing to the process of organizing and training a group of people to work together effectively.
terse effectively brief and to the point; concise; pithy.
work to be successful; act effectively. [1/22 definitions]