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case2 a receptacle for holding or carrying; container. [1/5 definitions]
catchall a receptacle for various items. [1/2 definitions]
catch basin a receptacle at the entry to a sewer designed to trap any matter that might block drainage.
chamber pot a small, portable, pot-shaped receptacle for urine and other waste, usu. kept in a bedroom, esp. one that is some distance from a toilet.
cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, esp. rainwater.
container something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that contains or may contain something else; receptacle. [1/2 definitions]
content1 (usu. pl.) whatever is contained or held in a receptacle, container, or something seen as a container. [1/5 definitions]
dipper a receptacle used in dipping; ladle; scoop. [1/4 definitions]
ditch a long narrow trench that provides a waterway for drainage or irrigation or a receptacle for something to be buried in, such as sewer pipes or electric power lines. [1/7 definitions]
dive to plunge into an opening, as a person into a doorway or a hand into a receptacle. [1/12 definitions]
feeder a bin or receptacle from which animals can feed. [1/5 definitions]
file1 a receptacle such as a folder for storing papers or other objects in organized fashion. [1/7 definitions]
font1 a basin or other receptacle that holds holy water, such as that used for baptizing people. [1/3 definitions]
hamper2 a large receptacle, usu. a basket with a lid or cover, as for picnic supplies or dirty laundry.
handbag a bag or similar receptacle, used usu. by women to carry small personal articles and necessities; purse. [1/2 definitions]
hip joint the ball-and-socket joint consisting of the head of the femur and its receptacle in the pelvis.
honey pot a receptacle for storing or serving honey. [1/3 definitions]
hypogynous of petals, sepals, and stamens, attached to the receptacle below the pistil, as in a tulip. (Cf. epigynous, perigynous.)
letterbox (chiefly British) a receptacle on private premises for incoming mail; mailbox. [1/2 definitions]
mailbox a receptacle on private premises for incoming mail. [1/2 definitions]
monstrance in Roman Catholicism, the receptacle containing the consecrated Host.