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candy floss (chiefly British) a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone; cotton candy.
cloth material woven of spun threads of cotton, wool, nylon, or the like; fabric. [1/3 definitions]
cobweb a web spun by a spider, esp. an abandoned one, or a single strand of this web. [1/5 definitions]
cotton candy a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone.
finespun spun or drawn out to a fine thread, as fabric or glass; delicate. [1/2 definitions]
glass wool fibers of spun glass that resemble wool and are used in insulation and air filters.
homespun of cloth or yarn, made or spun at home. [2/4 definitions]
spindle a thin notched rod with tapered ends, on which thread is twisted and wound as it is spun. [1/9 definitions]
spinner in a board game or the like, a device composed of a dial and an arrow that is spun to indicate moves, amounts, or penalties. [1/4 definitions]
teetotum a four-sided top with a letter on each side, spun with the fingers in certain games of chance.
thread a fine strand of spun fiber such as cotton or flax, usu. composed of two or more filaments twisted together and used in sewing, weaving, and the like. [1/12 definitions]
virgin wool wool that has not been spun, woven, or otherwise processed.
web a thin and fragile structure spun by spiders and the larvae of certain insects. [1/7 definitions]
worsted a fine, smooth, firm, compact yarn spun of tightly twisted wool fibers. [1/3 definitions]