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ATV abbreviation of "all-terrain vehicle," a small motor vehicle, usu. with three or four wheels, that is designed for use on various types of terrain.
bodywork the entire external part of a car or motor vehicle. [2/3 definitions]
bumper a device for minimizing damage by absorbing the shock of impact, esp. the metal structure often found at the front and back of motor vehicles. [1/7 definitions]
bus1 a large motor vehicle with many seats, usu. used for public transportation. [1/3 definitions]
camper a motor vehicle that is designed to be used for temporary living space. [1/2 definitions]
car park (chiefly British) a usu. paved area where motor vehicles can be parked; parking lot.
chassis in a motor vehicle, the frame supporting the body and engine. [1/4 definitions]
dash light a light used to illuminate the instrument panel of a motor vehicle, esp. at night.
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
DMV abbreviation of "Department of Motor Vehicles."
downshift to shift a motor vehicle's transmission into a lower gear.
drive to travel in a car, truck, or other private motor vehicle. [1/18 definitions]
floorboard the floor of an automobile or other motor vehicle, esp. the area around the foot pedals. [1/2 definitions]
garage to store or place (a motor vehicle or other object) in a garage. [1/3 definitions]
gearbox the gears and housing that constitute a transmission, esp. of a motor vehicle.
half-track a motor vehicle, esp. an armored military one, with an endless-chain track on the rear drive wheels, or the track itself.
headrest a rest or support for the head, as on a chair or a seat in a motor vehicle.
hit-and-run denoting or pertaining to a driver who does not stop at the scene after causing an accident with his or her motor vehicle. [1/2 definitions]
hubcap a removable round metal cover over the hub of a motor vehicle wheel.
hybrid vehicle any motor vehicle that can use two or more types of power, such as an internal combustion engine and an electric generator.
idle of a machine or motor vehicle, to operate out of gear, slowly, or without accomplishing work or motion. [1/10 definitions]