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Dictionary Suite
autograph anything written in the author's own handwriting. [2/4 definitions]
backhand handwriting that slants to the left. [1/5 definitions]
cacography bad handwriting. [1/2 definitions]
calligraphy the art of beautiful handwriting. [2/3 definitions]
chirography penmanship; handwriting.
copperplate an elegant and graceful style of handwriting, in imitation of copperplate etchings. [1/3 definitions]
copybook a book of examples of handwriting, formerly used as models for young students to imitate. [1/3 definitions]
crabbed cramped and illegible, as handwriting. [1/2 definitions]
cramp2 illegible, as handwriting that is tightly compressed. [1/6 definitions]
decipher to interpret or comprehend (a piece of language) despite difficulties such as obscurity of style or bad handwriting. [1/2 definitions]
graphology the study of handwriting, esp. as a means of providing insight into the writer's personality.
hand handwriting. [1/17 definitions]
manuscript a handwritten text, or handwriting as distinguished from print. [1/3 definitions]
penmanship the art, skill, or manner of handwriting.
script the characters used in handwriting, as opposed to printed characters; cursive writing. [2/5 definitions]
unreadable not able to be read, as handwriting; illegible. [1/3 definitions]