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Dictionary Suite
dive bomber a fighter-bomber designed to drop its bombs while diving toward the target.
dogfight any violent or vicious conflict, esp. an air battle between fighter planes. [1/4 definitions]
F- in the U.S. military, a fighter plane, such as an F-16.
interceptor a high-speed fighter plane with a rapid climbing rate, used to defend against enemy aircraft. [1/2 definitions]
MIG any of several Soviet-made fighter planes named for the designers, Mikoyan and Gurevich.
power dive a steep downward plunge of an aircraft such as a fighter plane that is accelerated by engine power as well as gravity.
pursuit plane a fast military aircraft used to chase and attack enemy planes in flight; fighter plane.
spitfire (cap.) a single-engined British fighter plane used in World War II. [1/2 definitions]