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Ben Nevis the name of the ship that landed in Galveston, Texas in 1854 with a congregation of approximately 500 Slavic immigrants who sought freedom from cultural oppression and religious persecution. [1/2 definitions]
confessor a person who confesses faith in and adherence to Christianity in the face of persecution. [1/3 definitions]
fugitive someone who is escaping or running away, as from the police, persecution, responsibilities, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
hegira any journey to escape danger or persecution. [1/2 definitions]
lib (informal) liberation, esp. from oppression, inequality, or persecution.
Parsi a member of a Zoroastrian sect in modern India that is descended from Persian Zoroastrians who fled Persia in the seventh and eighth centuries to escape religious persecution. [1/2 definitions]
pogrom a systematic persecution or slaughter of an ethnic or religious group, esp. of Jews.
Puritan any of a group of Protestants that originated in England in the sixteenth century and were politically powerful there and later in the United States, and who believed in simple religious ceremony, strict moral discipline, and persecution of dissent. [1/4 definitions]
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or native land to seek safe refuge, usu. as a result of war, persecution, or the like.
witch hunt a similar pursuit and persecution of those alleged to be guilty of political subversion, spying, or the like, based on unsupported claims or insubstantial evidence, and tending to cause public hysteria. [1/3 definitions]