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bride2 a loop or tie of thread that joins decorative patterns in embroidery or needlework.
chain stitch a crocheting and embroidery stitch that resembles links in a chain.
chenille a tufted or velvetlike cord, used in embroidery and for fringes, or woven into a fabric. [1/2 definitions]
crewel a thin worsted yarn used for embroidery, tapestry, and edging, or a work made with this yarn.
cross-stitch in sewing and embroidery, two stitches that cross to form an X. [1/3 definitions]
cutwork openwork embroidery in which some of the fabric is cut out from the design.
doily a small decorative mat, often of embroidery or lace, used as a protective cover on furniture or dishes.
eyelet an embroidered fabric that has a pattern of small, bound holes; eyelet embroidery. [1/3 definitions]
fancywork ornamental needlework, such as needlepoint or embroidery.
featherstitch a stitch in embroidery or knitting in which short, alternating branches on either side of a central line form a zigzag pattern. [2/3 definitions]
floss silky thread with little twist used esp. in embroidery work. [1/5 definitions]
handiwork work produced by hand, such as embroidery. [1/2 definitions]
needlepoint decorative embroidery on canvas, usu. of evenly spaced stitches of wool yarn. [1/2 definitions]
needlework work done with a needle, esp. fine or decorative sewing or embroidery. [1/2 definitions]
petit point embroidery done on a canvas backing and resembling woven tapestry. [2 definitions]
picot one of a series of ornamental loops added to the edge of lace, embroidery, or the like.
purl1 a twisted thread of gold or silver, used in lacework, embroidery, or the like. [2/5 definitions]
tambour a small embroidery frame consisting of two wooden hoops that fit tightly together to hold and stretch out the cloth that is to be worked on. [1/2 definitions]
tent stitch a short, slanting embroidery stitch that forms a series of close and even parallel rows.