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backspace to move a typewriter carriage or computer cursor back one or more spaces by pressing a certain key. [1/2 definitions]
click in computing, to press and release the button on a mouse in order to carry out an action on the screen, such as positioning the cursor or selecting a program icon (often followed by "on"). [1/8 definitions]
mouse in computer operation, a small hand-held device that can be moved on wheels or ball bearings on a surface to move the cursor on a screen, or that can be moved along the lines of a drawing to reproduce the drawing on a screen. [1/5 definitions]
mouse over in computing, to use a mouse or other computer device to place the cursor over an item on the computer screen and hover over it without clicking or tapping, or simply to move the cursor over the screen without clicking or tapping on any particular item.
tab a similar button on a computer keyboard that moves the cursor a set distance each time it is pressed, as along a line of a document being typed, or from field to field in a form. [1/7 definitions]
tooltip in computing, a boxed message that appears when a cursor hovers over an image or text.