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abort to experience the end of a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive. [2/6 definitions]
abortion the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive. [2/4 definitions]
amniocentesis a procedure for obtaining a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus of a pregnant female for diagnosis of the fetus.
antiabortion opposed to the termination of human pregnancy by removal of the fetus before it is capable of surviving.
Caesarean section (sometimes l.c.) a method of delivering an endangered fetus, in which an incision is made through the walls of the mother's abdomen and uterus.
caul the membrane that surrounds a fetus in the womb, esp. a part of this that sometimes covers its head when it is born. [1/2 definitions]
conceptus all of the parts produced during the period from conception through birth, such as the fetus, the fetal sac, and the umbilical cord.
C-section abbreviation of "Caesarean section", a method of delivering an endangered fetus in which an incision is made through the walls of the mother's abdomen and uterus.
dicephalous two-headed, as an abnormal fetus.
foetus variant of fetus.
germ layer any of the three primary cell layers in an embryo which differentiate into various body parts as the fetus develops.
lanugo fine, soft hair, esp. that with which a human fetus or newborn is covered.
miscarriage the spontaneous expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it is viable, esp. in the early months of pregnancy. [1/2 definitions]
miscarry to expel a fetus prematurely; have a miscarriage. [1/2 definitions]
navel the place on the abdomen of a mammal where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached; umbilicus. [1/2 definitions]
passive immunity immunity to a disease acquired by injection of antibodies, transfer of antibodies from a mother to a fetus, or other transferences.
placenta an organ formed in the womb for supplying the fetus with nourishment. [1/2 definitions]
stillbirth a birth in which the child or fetus is born dead. [2 definitions]
teratism a malformed fetus.
ultrasonography the use of high-frequency sound waves to image a fetus, internal body structures, or objects that are underwater.
umbilical cord a tough, flexible cord that connects the navel of a fetus to the placenta of its mother and that supplies nourishment to, and removes wastes from, the fetus.