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attachment a file sent along with an email that can be opened by the recipient. [1/6 definitions]
back up to create and store a copy of (a computer file), often in a separate location, in case the original is damaged or lost. [1/8 definitions]
caravan a group of similar vehicles or riding animals traveling together single file. [1/4 definitions]
card index a systematically arranged collection of cards bearing information of specified types, such as names and addresses; card file; card catalog.
catalog the book, leaflet, or file containing such a list. [1/5 definitions]
conga a Latin American dance performed by a group that forms a long line in single file behind a leader. [1/4 definitions]
cookie a small data file stored by a website on a user's browser, enabling the website to remember the user's log in, settings, and other activity on the website. [1/3 definitions]
cross reference a reference from one part of a book, index, or file to another part containing additional or related information.
cut in computing, to remove (a file or section of a file's data) causing it to be stored in a temporary location, typically in order to place a copy of it in a different location. [1/25 definitions]
document a file containing information such as text or media, created with a computer application. [1/4 definitions]
download the act or process of downloading, or the file or program downloaded. [1/2 definitions]
emery board a small stiff strip of cardboard that has been coated with powdered emery, used as a nail file.
executable (of a file or program) capable of being run by a computer. [2 definitions]
file1 to store in a file. [1/7 definitions]
file2 to shape, smooth, or grind down with a file or similar device. [1/2 definitions]
filename the name given to a computer file to differentiate its contents from all the other data on a computer.
filename extension in computing, the final part of a filename, consisting of one or more letters after a dot, which indicates the format of the file data.
Indian file in single file, usu. walking.
in tandem in single file. [1/2 definitions]
JPEG abbreviation of "Joint Photographic Experts Group," used to denote the cross-platform image file format based on this committee's image compression algorithm, or such a file itself, and, shortened to jpg, used as the filename extension for files in this format.
lodge to register (a charge, complaint, or the like) in court or before an appropriate authority; file. [1/11 definitions]