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carol to praise or celebrate by singing. [1/4 definitions]
celebration anything that is planned or done in order to celebrate something. [1/2 definitions]
chant to recount or celebrate in a chant. [1/7 definitions]
concelebrate of two or more priests, to celebrate (Mass) together.
Easter a yearly Christian festival that is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
emblazon to make resplendent; celebrate or extol. [1/5 definitions]
Hanukkah an eight-day festival beginning on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev in which, by lighting the menorah each night, Jews celebrate the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians, the rededication of the temple at Jerusalem, and the miracle of the lamp.
honeymoon a vacation or trip taken by a couple to celebrate their marriage. [1/4 definitions]
housewarming a party given to celebrate moving into a new home.
hymn to praise or celebrate in or as in a hymn. [1/3 definitions]
inaugurate to celebrate the opening of (a new building, exhibit, or the like) with a formal ceremony. [1/3 definitions]
King's Birthday in the UK and much of the Commonwealth, a public holiday on the second Saturday in June to officially celebrate the monarch's birthday when the monarch is a king.
Maypole a high pole wreathed with flowers and ribbons around which merrymakers dance to celebrate May Day or another of the holidays of spring or summer.
observe to celebrate; keep. [1/10 definitions]
psalm to celebrate or sing about in a psalm or psalms. [1/3 definitions]
Queen's Birthday in the UK and much of the Commonwealth, a public holiday on the second Saturday in June to officially celebrate the monarch's birthday, when the monarch is a woman.
revel to celebrate boisterously. [1/3 definitions]