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Dictionary Suite
bisulfate an inorganic acid sulfate or a compound containing such.
concretion a solid mass made by or as if by coalescence, such as a mass of calcium or other inorganic material found in living tissue, or a mineral mass found in sedimentary rock. [1/3 definitions]
fertilizer an organic or inorganic substance added to soil to improve plant production or growth. [1/2 definitions]
hydride an inorganic compound, such as sodium hydride, containing hydrogen and a second usu. electropositive element or group.
mineral any of various inorganic natural substances, usu. having crystalline structures and a characteristic hardness. [1/3 definitions]
nitrous acid an unstable, inorganic nitrogen compound that occurs only in solution or in its salts as nitrites.
nitrous oxide a colorless, nonflammable, inorganic gas with a sweet taste and smell, used as an anesthetic; laughing gas.
photosynthesis the process in plants by which sunlight, with the help of chlorophyll, is converted to chemical energy that is used to synthesize inorganic compounds into organic ones, esp. sugars.
saprozoic of or designating the absorption of dissolved organic or inorganic material for nutrition, as by protozoans. [1/2 definitions]