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Dictionary Suite
adieu good-bye; farewell. [1/2 definitions]
adios good-bye; farewell.
aloha in Hawaii, a welcome, hello, or good-bye. [2 definitions]
arrivederci (Italian) until next time; good-bye (used to suggest that the separation will be brief).
auf Wiedersehen (German) until we see each other again; good-bye for now (used at parting).
au revoir (French) until we see each other again; good-bye for now.
ave good-bye!; farewell! (used mainly in literature). [1/4 definitions]
bye1 shortened form of "good-bye."
bye-bye (informal) farewell; good-bye.
farewell may you fare well; good-bye and good wishes. [1/5 definitions]
good afternoon used to say hello or good-bye in the afternoon.
good evening used to say hello or good-bye during the evening.
sayonara (Japanese) good-bye; farewell.
so long (informal) good-bye; farewell.
vale2 (Latin) farewell; good-bye.