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Abraham according to the Old Testament, the first of the postdiluvian patriarchs, father of Isaac, and ancestor of the Hebrews.
ark of the covenant according to the Old Testament, the sacred chest in which the ancient Hebrews carried the two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
Baal a false god or idol, esp. according to the Hebrews. [1/2 definitions]
covenant in the Old Testament, God's provisional promises to the Hebrews. [1/6 definitions]
Hebrew the language of the ancient Hebrews, now the official language of Israel. [2/3 definitions]
Jew one who is a descendant of the ancient Hebrews. [1/2 definitions]
Nazarite among the ancient Hebrews, a person who took strict vows to abstain from wine, leave the hair long, and avoid touching corpses.
Numbers the fourth of the Five Books of Moses in the Old Testament, containing the census of the Hebrews after the Exodus from Egypt.
Passover a Jewish festival, beginning on the fourteenth day of Nisan and lasting seven or eight days, that celebrates the escape of the ancient Hebrews from Egypt.
patriarch in the Old Testament, one of the fathers of humankind or of the Hebrews. [1/4 definitions]
Philistine a member of a non-Semitic people of Philistia who repeatedly warred with the ancient Hebrews. [1/4 definitions]
prophet in the Old Testament, one chosen by God as a messenger and guide to the ancient Hebrews. [1/5 definitions]
Semite a member of any of several peoples of southwestern Asia, including Hebrews and Arabs and, formerly, Phoenicians and Assyrians. [1/2 definitions]
shekel a gold or silver coin used esp. by the ancient Hebrews. [1/2 definitions]