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a-2 not; without. [1/3 definitions]
abiotic characterized by an absence of living organisms; without life.
aboveboard without tricks, deceit, or concealment.
abridge to shorten without removing basic contents; condense. [1/2 definitions]
abridged having been shortened without removing the most essential contents; condensed.
absent without; in the absence of. [1/4 definitions]
absent without leave absent without permission from assigned military duty, but not necessarily with the intention of deserting; AWOL.
abstract existing as something without material form or substance. [3/13 definitions]
academic freedom in educational institutions, the freedom of a teacher to teach, of a student to learn, and of both to discuss and hold opinions, esp. about social, political, and moral issues, without arbitrary interference or reprisals by school or public officials, organized groups, or the like.
a cappella without instrumental accompaniment, as choral singing.
accident an event that occurs without human planning or intent. [1/3 definitions]
accidentally without intention or planning.
achromatic consisting of diatonic tones of the musical scale; without changes in pitch or key. [1/3 definitions]
acoustic producing sound without electronic or electric means, as a musical instrument. [1/3 definitions]
acquiesce to agree silently or without protest; comply; consent.
adiabatic of, relating to, or denoting a process that occurs without loss or gain of heat, such as a change in the volume or pressure of the contents of a container.
ad infinitum to infinity; without limit or end; endlessly.
ad lib without preparation; in a spontaneous or improvised manner; ad libitum.
ad-lib to make up or do without preparation; improvise (something spoken, sung, or played). [3 definitions]
adrift without purpose or decisiveness. [2/4 definitions]
afford to be able to do (something) without fear of serious consequences. [1/3 definitions]