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baronet a member of the hereditary nobility ranking below a baron and above a knight.
cavalier an armed horseman; knight. [2/4 definitions]
chivalry gallantry, courtesy, loyalty, and other qualities expected of an ideal knight. [1/3 definitions]
dame (cap.) in Britain, a woman's title comparable to knight; formerly, the title of the wife of a knight or baronet. [1/3 definitions]
dub1 to award the title of knight to by tapping or striking lightly on the shoulder, usu. with a sword. [1/2 definitions]
esquire a member of the British gentry, below a knight in rank. [2/4 definitions]
Falstaff a fat, boisterous, boastful knight in Henry IV and The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare.
knight to confer the title of knight on. [1/5 definitions]
knight-errant a medieval knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, esp. in order to right wrongs or prove his skill.
knighthood the rank or position held by a knight. [2/3 definitions]
knightly of, like, characteristic of, or befitting a knight.
Lohengrin in Germanic legend, a knight of the Holy Grail.
sir (cap.) a title of honor for a knight or baronet used with his name. [1/3 definitions]
tabard formerly, a tuniclike jacket worn by a knight over his armor and displaying his coat of arms. [1/3 definitions]
Templar a knight of a religious military order founded by the Crusaders in the twelfth century in Jerusalem.