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banderole a slender forked pennant or streamer. [1/2 definitions]
barn swallow a small insect-eating bird with dark blue and tan plumage and a deeply forked tail, that often nests in barns and similar structures.
bifid cleft in two equal parts; forked.
bifurcate divided into two branches; forked. [1/2 definitions]
bootjack a forked device used to grip the heel of a boot while the foot is withdrawn.
clothespin a clip or forked peg of wood or plastic, used to secure clothes on a line for drying.
divine to find (a source of water) by use of a forked rod that is believed to be drawn toward the source. [1/12 definitions]
divining rod a forked stick used by dowsers to search for underground water; dowsing rod.
drongo any of a family (Dicruridae) of insectivorous passerine birds with black plumage and a forked tail.
forklift a small truck with a power-operated forked platform that can be slid under heavy cargo to lift and transport it. [1/2 definitions]
furcate forked. [1/2 definitions]
kite any of various hawklike birds that often have pointed wings and forked tails. [1/5 definitions]
mandrake a poisonous plant related to nightshade that is found in Europe and Asia, with a short stem, purplish flowers, and a root forked like a human body. [1/2 definitions]
pennant a long, tapering, usu. triangular or forked flag used on ships for signaling or for identification. [1/3 definitions]
pilotfish a small spiny-finned marine fish with a widely forked tail, often found near sharks.
pronghorn a small, fleet deer of the western plains of North America that resembles an antelope and has small, forked horns curved rearward at the tips.
scissortail a large flycatcher of the southwestern United States, and Central and South America, that has a gray body, salmon-pink sides and wing linings, and a long, deeply forked tail.
swallow2 any of a number of small migratory birds that have long, pointed wings and often a forked tail, and that are known for their graceful flight. [1/2 definitions]
swallowtail the deeply notched or forked tail of a swallow, or a tail that is similar to it. [1/2 definitions]
swallow-tailed having a forked tail similar to that of a swallow. [2 definitions]
tern any of various aquatic birds similar and related to gulls but smaller and slenderer, usu. having a black cap and a long forked tail.