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Allies in World War II, the nations that fought against the Axis, esp. Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. [1/2 definitions]
Armenia a Near Eastern country between Georgia and Turkey; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. [1/2 definitions]
Azerbaijan a Near Eastern country on the Caspian Sea between Iran and Russia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
Baltic States the independent countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, formerly parts of the Soviet Union.
Belarus a European country bordered by Poland, Lithuania, Russia, and Ukraine; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union; Belorussia; Byelorussia.
Bolshevik (often l.c.) a member of the majority faction of the party that seized power in 1917 and formed the Communist party in the Soviet Union. [1/3 definitions]
cold war (cap.) the state of intense political and ideological hostility and competition for power that obtained between the communist Soviet Union and China and their allies, and the United States and its democratic allies, between the end of World War II and about 1990. The Cold War, always stopping short of direct military conflict, manifested in the arms race, the space race, and proxy wars in Vietnam, Korea, and the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
collegium an administrative committee of equals, esp. one that formerly performed economic, political, or social management in the Soviet Union.
Cominform a European Communist organization that espoused the policies of the Soviet Union (acronym for "Communist Information Bureau").
commissar in the Soviet Union until 1946, the head of a major division of government; minister. [1/2 definitions]
commissariat in the Soviet Union until 1946, a major division of government; ministry. [1/2 definitions]
communism (sometimes cap.) a social system, esp. that of the former Soviet Union, in which all means of production are owned by the state. [1/3 definitions]
constructivism an early twentieth-century art movement, originating in the Soviet Union, in which industrial materials were used to create massive nonrepresentational works.
Estonia an East European country bordered by the Baltic Sea, Russia, and Latvia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
Georgia a Near Eastern country between Turkey and Russia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. [1/2 definitions]
iron curtain (sometimes cap.) the barrier to free communication and exchange of information which was attributed by Western nations to the secrecy and censorship of the Soviet Union after World War II.
Japan an island country in the Pacific off the coast of Korea and the Soviet Union; Nippon.
Joseph Stalin a Soviet Communist leader and premier of the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1953 (b.1879--d.1953).
Kazakhstan a Central Asian country south of Russia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
KGB abbreviation of "Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti" (Russian); Committee of State Security; formerly, the security and intelligence organization of the Soviet Union.
kopeck the smaller monetary unit of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. (Cf. ruble.)