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ammonia the pungent gas formed from the chemical combination of nitrogen and hydrogen, used esp. in refrigeration and in making fertilizers. [1/2 definitions]
arugula a plant of the mustard family having flat, green leaves that have a distinctive pungent taste and are often used as salad greens.
eucalyptus any of various tall evergreen trees native to Australia, having leaves that yield a pungent oil used in medicines.
hot pepper any of numerous peppers having sharp, pungent flesh ranging from mild to very hot. [1/2 definitions]
incense cedar a large cypress tree of western North America that has reddish bark and pungent flat scalelike leaves.
Jamaica rum a dark, pungent, full-bodied rum made in Jamaica.
mustard plaster a pungent medicinal paste made of powdered mustard and water that is spread on a cloth, steamed, and applied usu. to the chest to relieve congestion.
pennyroyal either of two herbaceous, aromatic plants that yield pungent oils.
peppergrass any of several plants bearing small white flowers and pungent seeds, such as garden cress, that are used as potherbs or salad vegetables.
peppermint a kind of mint plant that bears small pink or white flowers and is grown for its sharp, pungent oil. [1/3 definitions]
savory1 a piquant or pungent dish served esp. in Britain as an appetizer or in place of a sweet dessert. [1/4 definitions]
sharp biting to the sense of taste or smell; pungent. [1/16 definitions]
spice a pungent or aromatic odor; fragrance. [1/5 definitions]
spicy having a pungent flavor or smell. [1/3 definitions]
wasabi an herb with pungent greenish roots that are grated and used like horseradish in Japanese cooking.