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ABC soil a soil made up of three distinct layers, the A, or top layer, being humus and organic matter, the B layer being clay and oxidized material, and the C layer being loose rock and mineral materials.
alone being the only one, distinct from all others. [1/5 definitions]
ambient of music, characterized by sound and pattern rather than distinct notes of melody or rhythmic structure. [1/3 definitions]
articulate spoken in clear and distinct words or syllables, or having a tendency to speak clearly and distinctly. [1/10 definitions]
assimilate to absorb and incorporate (an ethnically distinct group) into the prevailing culture. [1/8 definitions]
bimodal having or exhibiting two distinct modes or forms.
chapter an important or distinct period in anything. [1/4 definitions]
checkered alternating in color, with distinct light patches and shadows. [1/3 definitions]
chemical a distinct substance, such as an element or molecular compound, used in or obtained through a reaction involving atomic or molecular changes. [1/3 definitions]
chimera a living organism or structure that contains two or more genetically distinct tissues. [1/3 definitions]
civil law the section of law that deals with the rights of the citizens, as distinct from laws that regulate criminal acts, military personnel, or international trade. [2/3 definitions]
clear-cut having a distinct, well-defined outline. [1/5 definitions]
clearness the quality or state of being clear, plain, or distinct.
coda any distinct, concluding element. [1/2 definitions]
colony a distinct group of people of the same nationality, or a group of animals of the same species living closely together. [1/2 definitions]
compound1 of or pertaining to a word made up of two or more lexically distinct parts or a sentence made up of two or more main clauses. [2/12 definitions]
concept a distinct, novel idea that has been arrived at through consideration. [1/2 definitions]
count1 in law, a separate and distinct charge or indictment. [1/10 definitions]
different separate or distinct. [1/4 definitions]
differentiate to cause to become different or distinct, esp. by changing. [2/6 definitions]
discrete separate and distinct. [2 definitions]