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aardvark a nocturnal mammal of southern Africa that has a long snout, long ears, and powerful claws for digging, and that feeds on ants using its extensile tongue.
adder's-tongue any of various ferns with a single sporeless leaflike frond and a slender spore-bearing spike or stalk that suggests a snake's tongue. [1/2 definitions]
alveolar of a sound, articulated with the tongue close to or touching the roof of the mouth at the roots of the teeth. [1/4 definitions]
ant bear a large, toothless, ant-eating mammal with a long snout, a sticky, extendable tongue, and a long shaggy tail; great anteater. [1/2 definitions]
anteater any of several toothless mammals such as the aardvark and pangolin that feed mainly on ants or termites by means of a long, sticky tongue.
apical in phonetics, of or pertaining to consonants articulated with the tip of the tongue, such as "t" or "d". [1/2 definitions]
Bronx cheer (informal) a sound of derision and contempt made by vibrating the tongue and lips while exhaling forcibly; raspberry.
chow2 a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
click a speech sound of certain African languages that is made by drawing air into the mouth and clicking the tongue. [1/8 definitions]
consonant a sound in a language made by constricting or diverting the flow of air through the mouth using the tongue, teeth, lips, or other speech organs. The sounds represented by the letters "d," "k," "b," "s," and "m" are examples of consonants in English. [1/6 definitions]
depressor a medical instrument used to depress a body part such as the tongue. [1/3 definitions]
double-tongue in playing a wind instrument, the action of touching the tongue alternately to the teeth and hard palate, producing rapid articulation of notes.
embouchure the manner of applying lips and tongue to a wind instrument's mouthpiece. [1/4 definitions]
epiglottis a thin, flexible plate of cartilage at the root of the tongue that, by closing over the glottis, prevents food from entering the windpipe during swallowing.
frenum a membrane or fold of skin, such as that under the tongue, that controls or restrains the movement of a body part.
hyoid of or designating a bone or bones at the base of the tongue in man, or a similar set in animals. [1/2 definitions]
jew's-harp a small, metal, lyre-shaped musical instrument that is held between the teeth and played by plucking the protruding end of its flexible steel tongue.
labiovelar of a speech sound, produced with rounded lips and the back of the tongue near or touching the soft palate, as "w" in English. [1/2 definitions]
lap3 to lick up with the tongue, as drink or food (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/6 definitions]
lick to pass the tongue over or along the surface of. [4/11 definitions]
lingual of, concerning, or resembling the tongue. [3/4 definitions]