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acting appointed as a temporary substitute for someone absent from an office or position; serving temporarily. [1/5 definitions]
aide-de-camp a military or naval officer serving as assistant to a general or admiral.
ATM abbreviation of "automated teller machine," a computerized machine serving the function of a bank teller.
-atory tending or serving to. [1/3 definitions]
augmentative tending or serving to augment. [1/3 definitions]
automated teller machine a computerized machine serving the function of a bank teller.
auxiliary serving to help or support.
baba au rhum a light, porous cake, usu. made with yeast and sometimes containing raisins or other dried fruit, that is soaked with rum before serving.
backboard a board at the rear of something, serving as a support. [1/2 definitions]
bar1 a long counter, often made of smooth, shiny wood, used as a serving area for food or beverages. [1/10 definitions]
bartender one who prepares and distributes drinks at an establishment or counter serving alcoholic beverages.
believe to feel with some confidence; suppose (usu. fol. by a clause serving as object). [1/6 definitions]
bolster something serving as a cushion. [1/4 definitions]
bottle a container, usu. made of glass and having a slender neck, used mainly for storing or serving liquids. [1/4 definitions]
bracing serving as a brace. [1/3 definitions]
breadbasket a basket for holding or serving bread. [1/2 definitions]
bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [1/2 definitions]
butler's pantry a serving area between a dining room and a kitchen, for use by a butler or maid.
canon2 a member of the chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or a collegiate church. [1/2 definitions]
carafe a bottle, often flared at the mouth, for serving water, wine, and the like.
causative having an effect; serving as an agent or cause (often fol. by "of"). [1/3 definitions]