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antecedent in grammar, the word or word group to which a pronoun refers, as in "The women demanded their rights," in which "women" is the antecedent of "their." [1/4 definitions]
case1 in grammar, the syntactical relationship of a noun, pronoun, or adjective to other words in a sentence, indicated by its inflection or its position in the sentence. [1/9 definitions]
declension in grammar, the process of listing systematically the inflected forms of an adjective, a noun, or a pronoun by categories such as case, gender, and number. [2/3 definitions]
decline in grammar, to list systematically all the inflected forms of (a noun, adjective, or pronoun). [1/10 definitions]
demonstrative in grammar, a demonstrative pronoun or adjective. [1/5 definitions]
first person a pronoun in this category, such as "me". [1/3 definitions]
gender a system in many languages in which nouns fall into two or more groups, such as masculine, feminine, or neuter, the members of each group sharing grammatical features such as inflections and pronoun equivalents. [1/3 definitions]
genitive a word, usu. a noun or pronoun, or phrase marked by this case. [1/3 definitions]
indefinite pronoun in grammar, a pronoun, such as "someone," that does not specifically identify its referent.
part of speech in grammar, one of the major categories by which words have traditionally been grouped, primarily according to their function, such as adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, noun, preposition, pronoun, and verb, in English.
person in grammar, any of three pronoun categories that specify the speaker, the ones spoken to, and the ones spoken about, as first, second, and third person. [1/4 definitions]
pron. abbreviation of "pronoun," in grammar, a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase, such as "he," "it," "someone," "myself," or "those."
pronominal of, concerning, acting as, or derived from a pronoun.
reflexive of a pronoun, used as an object that refers back to the subject of a sentence, as "himself" in "He admired himself in the mirror". [2/4 definitions]
relative in grammar, a relative pronoun, adjective, or adverb. [2/6 definitions]
relative pronoun in grammar, a pronoun that introduces a relative clause.
second person a pronoun in this category, such as "you". [1/2 definitions]
that which, who, or whom (used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause, esp. one that defines or restricts.) [1/12 definitions]
third person a pronoun in this category, such as "he" or "it". [1/3 definitions]
thou the person or divinity spoken to or addressed (used as nd person singular pronoun esp. in earlier literature and religious writing); you.
which used as a relative pronoun to introduce additional information about the antecedent. [3/9 definitions]