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anesthetize to render unable to perceive bodily sensations such as pain, esp. with an anesthetic.
benumb to render numb or without physical sensation, esp. by cold. [1/2 definitions]
cerecloth a fabric coated with wax in order to render it waterproof, formerly used for wrapping the dead before burial. [1/2 definitions]
clarify to remove impurities; render clearer. [1/3 definitions]
clean up to render (something) socially acceptable. [1/4 definitions]
conventionalize in art, to render in a conventional style. [1/2 definitions]
defoliate to cause the leaves of (trees or the like) to drop off, esp. by using a chemical spray or dust, usu. so as to render a forested area unusable by military opponents. [1/4 definitions]
dehumanize to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical.
denaturalize to make or render unnatural. [1/2 definitions]
diagram to make a diagram of; render in a diagram. [1/4 definitions]
disable to render inoperative or useless. [1/3 definitions]
ensure to protect or render safe. [1/2 definitions]
fix to render (an animal) neuter; spay or castrate. [1/12 definitions]
handcuff to render powerless or ineffective. [1/3 definitions]
hang of a jury, to not be able to render a verdict. [1/17 definitions]
impressionism comparable movements in literature, poetry, and music that sought to render subjective impressions and moods through evocative harmonies, associations, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
inactivate to render inactive or unable to function or spread; halt the activity or operation of.
indispose to render unfit or incapable; disqualify. [1/3 definitions]
institute an organization established to render a service or support a cause. [1/5 definitions]
jaundice to render (one or one's judgment) unreliable, as by jealousy, anger, or prejudice. [1/3 definitions]
judge to authoritatively appraise and render an opinion on. [1/10 definitions]