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angle1 a corner that projects outward or inward. [1/10 definitions]
camber a slight inward tilt of the bottoms of the wheels of a car. [1/4 definitions]
cave in to collapse inward. [1/2 definitions]
cave-in a collapse inward, as of the walls of an underground mine.
centripetal forced or moving inward toward a center point or axis. [1/2 definitions]
collapse a sudden falling down or inward. [1/7 definitions]
concave curved inward like the interior of a sphere. (Cf. convex.) [1/3 definitions]
cushion the inward rim of a billiard table. [1/5 definitions]
dog-ear to fold a corner of (a page) inward in order to mark a place in a book. [1/2 definitions]
hollow curved inward or downward; concave, sunken, or depressed. [1/10 definitions]
implode to violently collapse or compress inward.
inbound moving in an inward direction; inward bound.
incurve to curve inward. [2 definitions]
ingrowing growing into, inward, or within, as a toenail into the flesh.
ingrown grown within or directed inward; innate or inbred. [1/2 definitions]
intro- inward; into; in.
introrse in botany, facing inward; turned toward the center. (Cf. extrorse.)
introspective looking inward and examining one's own thoughts or feelings, or tending to do so.
introvert to turn inward. [1/4 definitions]
involute curled or curving inward from the outside or edges, as certain leaves. [1/4 definitions]
inwardness the state or quality of being inward or internal. [1/4 definitions]