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appaloosa a hardy saddle horse of a breed developed in western North America, usu. having a spotted black and white hide.
bird's-eye marked or spotted with or in a pattern like birds' eyes. [1/4 definitions]
bobcat a North American wildcat with a rusty, spotted coat, tufted ears, and a short tail; bay lynx.
brown trout a brownish trout with red-spotted sides, native to Europe and widely naturalized in U.S. streams.
calico resembling calico; multicolored; spotted. [1/3 definitions]
civet cat any of several catlike nocturnal mammals of Africa and southern Asia that have spotted fur and exude a musklike substance. [1/2 definitions]
Dalmatian any of a breed of fairly large dogs that have short white hair spotted with black or liver color.
dapple a patch or group of spotted markings of different shade or color than their background, or a single such mark. [3/4 definitions]
dapple-gray gray spotted with a darker shade. [1/2 definitions]
fritillary any of a number of medium-sized butterflies with brownish wings that are spotted on the undersides with black and silver. [1/2 definitions]
giraffe a spotted, cud-chewing, four-footed African mammal with exceptionally long legs and neck.
leopard a large, spotted wild cat found in southern Asia and Africa. [1/2 definitions]
linsang any of various catlike carnivores, native to India and Africa, having a long tail and a spotted coat.
lungwort a European plant of the borage family, formerly used in the treatment of lung diseases and respiratory disorders, that has green or spotted leaves and bearsblue flowers. [1/2 definitions]
lynx any of several medium-sized wild cats having soft, spotted fur and tufted ears.
margay a spotted cat of Central and South America that resembles an ocelot.
mavis a small Eurasian songbird with brown wings and a spotted white breast; song thrush.
mottled blotched or spotted with varying colors or shades.
narwhal an arctic aquatic mammal related to the dolphin, that has a spotted pelt and, on the male, a long spirally twisted ivory tusk projecting from the upper jaw.
ocelot a spotted wild cat of Central and South America, similar to but smaller than a leopard.
pinto a spotted horse or pony. [1/3 definitions]