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Jerusalem oak a North American weed with lobed leaves and an odor like turpentine.
oleoresin a naturally occurring mixture of resin and an essential oil such as turpentine.
pitch pine any of various pine trees cultivated as a source of pitch or turpentine.
rosin a translucent, yellow-brown, brittle residue of the distillation of turpentine from pine sap, used as a friction-increasing agent, as on the bows of certain stringed instruments, and in manufacturing varnish, inks, and soap. [1/3 definitions]
sealing wax a mixture of resin and turpentine that softens when heated, used for sealing letters, documents, and the like.
terebinth a small tree common to the Mediterranean region that produces a turpentine resin.
thinner1 turpentine or other liquid used for diluting paint to the desired consistency. [1/2 definitions]
turpentine to thin, dissolve, or otherwise treat with turpentine. [2/4 definitions]