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exactly that is correct (used to indicate emphatic agreement). [1/3 definitions]
exclamation mark a punctuation mark (!) used after a word or words that express surprise or command, make an emphatic declaration, or the like; exclamation point.
gesticulate to make hand movements, esp. so as to be more emphatic or expressive while speaking. [1/2 definitions]
loud persistent and emphatic. [1/6 definitions]
nonemphatic combined form of emphatic.
overemphatic combined form of emphatic.
polemic an emphatic statement of a controversial viewpoint, usually criticizing or refuting an existing position. [1/3 definitions]
protestation an emphatic or earnest declaration. [2/3 definitions]
state to say or write, esp. in an emphatic way; declare; assert. [1/11 definitions]
unemphatic combined form of emphatic.