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abstinence the denial of satisfaction of one's appetites, esp. the appetite for certain foods, drugs, or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
acquired immune deficiency syndrome a serious viral disease of the body's immune system, transferred through blood, sexual contact, contaminated hypodermic needles, or the like; AIDS.
adultery willing sexual intercourse between a married person and another who is not his or her spouse.
advance (sometimes pl.) an approach or proposition, often sexual. [1/14 definitions]
age of consent the age at which a person, usu. female, is legally considered to be competent to consent to sexual relations, used as a standard in determining whether statutory rape has occurred.
AIDS acronym of "acquired immune deficiency syndrome," a serious viral disease of the body's immune system, transferred through blood, sexual contact, contaminated hypodermic needles, or the like.
amorous generally inclined to feeling romantic love, or inclined at a particular time to engage in romantic or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
anaphrodisiac causing or capable of causing a decrease in sexual desire. [2 definitions]
antisexual combined form of sexual.
aphrodisiac a substance, such as a food or drug, that arouses sexual desire. [2 definitions]
artificial insemination the use of means other than sexual intercourse to impregnate a female.
asexual produced without sexual processes. [1/2 definitions]
attack a sexual assault; rape. [1/9 definitions]
ball1 (obscene) to have sexual intercourse with. [1/7 definitions]
bang (vulgar) to have sexual intercourse with. [2/11 definitions]
bed to have sexual intercourse with (someone) in bed. [1/10 definitions]
bestiality an act or practice of sexual relations between a person and an animal. [1/2 definitions]
bisexual of an individual, having both male and female sexual organs; hermaphroditic. [2/5 definitions]
booty2 (slang) sexual intercourse. [1/2 definitions]
carnal of or pertaining to the flesh or body, esp. sexual appetites and activities. [1/2 definitions]
castrate to remove the sexual organs of, esp. the testicles; geld. [1/2 definitions]