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bawdy obscene or vulgar. [1/3 definitions]
curse word a word that is considered to be obscene or profane, esp. when it is used to condemn or to express anger.
decent conforming to social standards as regards morality, modesty, good taste, or the like; not obscene or offensive. [1/5 definitions]
dirt obscene language. [1/5 definitions]
dirty lewd; indecent; obscene. [1/10 definitions]
dirty word a word considered obscene, rude, or offensive in a particular language, culture, or situation; obscenity.
expletive an interjection, exclamation, or oath, esp. an obscene one. [1/4 definitions]
filth something that is thought to be immoral or obscene, such as a movie, book, painting, or utterance. [1/3 definitions]
filthy obscene. [1/2 definitions]
foulmouthed using obscene or vulgarly abusive language, esp. habitually.
four-letter word any of several short English words that are considered offensive or obscene.
nasty morally or socially objectionable; obscene, ill-tempered, or malicious. [1/3 definitions]
naughty improper, or mildly obscene or vulgar. [1/2 definitions]
nonobscene combined form of obscene.
obscenity the state, condition, or crime of being obscene; indecency, lewdness, or repulsiveness. [2 definitions]
profane vulgar or obscene. [1/5 definitions]
profanity vulgar, obscene, or irreverent language, or the use thereof; cursing or a curse. [1/2 definitions]
raunchy candidly sexual; risqué; obscene. [1/2 definitions]
salacious lewd or pornographic; obscene. [1/2 definitions]
scabrous obscene or salacious; indecent. [1/3 definitions]
scatology obscene jokes or writing, esp. having to do with excrement. [1/3 definitions]