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catchment the collecting of water, esp. rainwater, in a reservoir or drainage area. [1/2 definitions]
cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, esp. rainwater.
downspout a vertical drainpipe that carries rainwater or melted snow from a roof or gutter to the ground.
drain (of land) to shed (rainwater or agricultural water). [1/12 definitions]
drainpipe a pipe used for draining liquids, esp. sewage or rainwater.
eluviation the movement through soil of material that is in suspension or solution in rainwater or snow melt.
harvest to collect (rainwater and/or condensation droplets) for local use, esp. for the watering of plants, rather than allowing run-off or evaporation. [1/11 definitions]
puddle a small, shallow pool of water, esp. rainwater. [1/6 definitions]
runoff anything that drains away, such as excess rainwater that is not absorbed by the earth. [1/2 definitions]
water harvesting the collecting of rainwater and/or condensation droplets for use locally, esp. for the watering of plants, rather than allowing run-off or evaporation.
waterspout a pipe or hole from which water pours, often for diverting rainwater. [1/2 definitions]