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anticorruption combined form of corruption.
canker any cause of corruption or decay. [2/7 definitions]
corruptible being open to corruption.
depravity moral corruption; wickedness. [1/2 definitions]
dirty characterized by corruption or a lack of scruples. [1/10 definitions]
doomscrolling the practice of sifting through online news stories and consuming excessively large amounts of news depicting violence, corruption, or devastation.
Gilded Age in U.S. history, the post-Civil War era, characterized by rapid industrialization, economic expansion, and widespread corruption in business and government.
incorrupt free from corruption, taint, or error.
innocent free from corruption or knowledge of evil. [1/6 definitions]
muckrake to investigate and expose misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders.
muckraker one who investigates and exposes misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders.
robber baron a U.S. capitalist of the late nineteenth century who acquired great wealth and influence by ruthless exploitation of natural and human resources, market manipulation, political corruption, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
Tammany Hall a powerful Democratic organization founded in 1789 in New York City, known for its corruption and political abuse in the late nineteenth century.
tenderloin (often cap.) a district known for vice or corruption in a large city. [1/2 definitions]
Typhoid Mary a person who spreads any kind of disease, infection, or corruption.